Election Integrity Committee
Committee Purpose: To ensure that CCRC has Election Officers and Election Observers for early voting and on November 5th. To observe Logic & Accuracy testing for all voting machines used in the 2024 election throughout Chesterfield County.
Committee Chairperson:
John Kwapisz
Executive Chair: Leslie Matthews
Chesterfield County Magisterial District Chairs
01: Bermuda (precincts 0101 thru 0115) Magisterial Chair: Kathy Lee
02: Dale (precincts 0201 thru 0222) Magisterial Chair: Crista Jamieson
03: Matoaca (precincts 0301 thru 0322) Magisterial Chair: Aaron Mathes
04: Cloverhill (precincts 0401 thru 0422) Magisterial Chair: Kay Kidd
05: Midlothian (precincts 0503 thru 0521) Magisterial Chair: Chuck Fadus
.LOOK UP your Polling Precinct, Magisterial District, & other Voter Info