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All CCRC forms are shown below with basic instructions.

If you have questions, please contact your Magisterial District Chair.

Magisterial District Chairs

Bermuda (precincts 101 thru 115): Kathy Lee

Dale (precincts 201 thru 222): Crista Jamieson

Matoaca (precincts 301 thru 322): Aaron Mathes

Cloverhill (precincts 401 thru 422): Kay Kidd

Midlothian (precincts 503 thru 521): Chuck Fadus​

Membership Application  Process

Purpose: Use this form to apply for membership in the Chesterfield County Republican Committee.

Process: After completion of the form, including nominations, please remit this form, along with a check for $35, to the CCRC Chair. 

You may contact the CCRC Chair at

Who to contact with questions: CCRC Chair or your Magisterial District Chair.


Proxy Process

Purpose: Use this form if you are a voting member of the CCRC and will not be able to attend a meeting. You can submit a Proxy and have someone else represent you at the meeting.

Process: Identify another CCRC member to be your Proxy. You must get their agreement before submitting the Proxy form. After completion of the form, please email a scanned copy of the document OR take a photo of it and send it via email to the Recording Secretary, at  

Who to contact with questions: CCRC Recording Secretary or your Magisterial District Chair.

Election Observer Appointment

Purpose: Use this form to obtain an appointment to be an Election Observer INSIDE a voting precinct. NOTE: This is not required for Election Officers because they are employed by the County Registrar.

Process: Discuss your desire to become an Election Observer with your Magisterial District Chair. Your Magisterial District Chair WILL PROVIDE THE FORM to you. These appointments must be approved by the CCRC Chair.

If you do not know your district, please use the link above to see a list of polling locations. The location where you vote on Election Day determines your Magisterial District.

Who to contact with questions: Your Magisterial District Chair.

The Republican Creed

Republicans, our characteristics and hopes unite us as a party. 
As exhibited in the The Republican Creed we believe...

  • That the free enterprise system is the most productive supplier of human needs and economic justice

  • That all individuals are entitled to equal rights, justice, and opportunities and should assume their responsibilities as citizens in a free society

  • That fiscal responsibility and budgetary restraints must be exercised at all levels of government

  • That the Federal Government must preserve individual liberty by observing constitutional limitations

  • That peace is best preserved through a strong national defense

  • That faith in God, as recognized by our Founding Fathers, is essential to the moral fiber of the Nation

© Copyright 1975, 1997 by Republican Party of Virginia, Inc.

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